Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nourishing Foot Treatment

There are a variety of products that can be used but in this example I will be highlighting Sensaria's Nourishing Moisturizer for this spa treatment. This lotion is blue and it is not from some added coloring. It comes from Azulene which is derived from the soothing Chamomile plant. This product isn't just for the face which is why it comes in a big 6oz tube as well as a 2oz one. I even use this lotion on my son's eczema and he loves using his "blue medicine".

Here are the instructions for this easy spa treatment:

  1. Clean your feet by treating yourself to a spa foot soak on the couch in front of the TV. I suppose this really isn't necessary but it sure feels good!
  2. Slather the lotion all over your feet and don't worry about having to rub it all in. However, you can treat yourself to a little foot massage too. Better yet ... have your partner do this for you!
  3. Get out some clean, cotton socks and put them over your moisturized feet. 
  4. Go to bed! 
  5. Take off your socks when you wake up in the morning and feel how soft and supple your little footsies are!
Now, if you hate wearing socks to bed like I do then put the lotion on after you take a shower. Cover your feet with socks and bum around the house or just do your normal weekend routine. You will notice a difference when those socks come off! Of course, you can use any lotion you have on hand but Sensaria's foot products also work great with this too. Sole Survivor (our foot mask) and Sole Revival (our foot lotion) both have Tea Tree Oil in them which is great for combating that stinky foot syndrome.  



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