What Are Your Sensaria Essentials?
You know moving sucks. I knew that. Really I did! I just forgot after living in our house for almost 8 years. I don't know if you missed my blog posts this month but the reason why they have been so sparse lately is because we just sold our house in May and it has been a crazy busy time getting things taken care of and moving forward on a new house that is being built for us. In the meantime, I am now all moved (but not unpacked) into an apartment until the new house is ready. So that means I will be moving again in a few months! It is crazy I tell you! Still, I think it will be all worth it to get our dream house.
Through all this I realized what Sensaria items I cannot live without. I packed up all the products I didn't need but here is my list of essentials. Tell me what yours is! Nourishing Moisturizer ~ I use this lotion for my son's eczema so I never go anywhere without it. I find that I use it all the time on my hands since I wash my hands a million times a day. You know ... dishes, kid's snotty nose, laundry, kids, etc. I now have "Big Blue" (the 6oz size) at home and the smaller one for my purse.
Face Scrub for Men ~ No, it is not just for men! I really love this scrub because it is a little foamy so I feel like I can exfoliate and cleanse at the same time. I actually use it about every other day but it sure is a time saver and it smells good too!
Daily Sun Protection SPF 28 ~ I read a blog post on Sensariality about the importance of using a daily sunscreen on your face and I couldn't have agreed more! The more I use this sunscreen the more I love it! It goes on slightly white but it rubs in quickly. It is not greasy or chalky either. Use it everyday even if you use a foundation with SPF. I do!
Mineral Genesis Pure Gold ~ I actually love the whole line but this product is above and beyond my favorite. I just ran out before the move and I had already packed away my extra supplies. Boo hoo! This is just one of those products you have to try it yourself to understand why I love it so. Instant firming and beautiful, glowing skin are just a few of my reasons.
Lip Balm Trio ~ I have a tube of our lip balm in just about every room of the house plus two in my purse and one in each car. I think I have one of every scent ever made so it is always a nice surprise what flavor I will get depending on where I am. You know, it doesn't matter if it is one of those moving days where I don't care about my hair or makeup but I can't go without my lip balm. In fact, I need some right now! Yum! Tangerine!
Ok, I could go on and on and on but it's time for bed. Don't forget to share your Sensaria Essentials!
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