Friday, January 15, 2010

A Cure for Carpel Tunnel?

Well, okay maybe not a cure but I have gotten reports from another rep (hi Brenda!) whose customer is selling the Center Pulse Point Cream for her. Hmmm, she sounds like a great opportunity to become a rep herself maybe? ;) I think it is awesome and am glad to hear of a new use for this amazing product! It actually makes a lot of sense as I have used it on sore muscles and also on my wrist when I was going through therapy. I had pulled or strained or did something horrible to my wrist and was doing massage/physical therapy to heal it. I had to keep up the massage at home and I decided to try the CPPC and it really does help a lot. I know I will use it next time I am on the computer too much and my wrist gets achy. Report back if it works for you too!



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