Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April 2010 Specials

I have got some great specials for the month of April and Sensaria just announced some wonderful incentives for anyone who has considered becoming a representative and owning your own business. Plus, for hosts who hold a spa party before April 12th can earn a HUGE amount of product! I love my Sensaria business!

How would you like to invite a few friends over to your house and have a relaxing and fun SPA PARTY? Just imagine soaking your feet, sipping some wine, enjoying each others company and trying some really amazing spa products and skin care? Women are generally nurturing folk who love taking care of others but often don't take the time to take care of themselves. It just takes a few minutes to replenish and rejuvenate your spirit and by doing so ... you can give so much more back to the people and things you love the most. Contact me to get on my SPA schedule and you will earn up to 25% of the party sales in FREE products PLUS these amazing deals too:

* FREE Refresh the Sole (foot scrub), Sole Revival (foot lotion) and Sole Survivor (foot mask) which is a $66 value

* HALF PRICE on our Cellulite Contouring Serum and Cellulite Smoothing Creme which is a $73 value

April 1-12 Mineral Genesis Host Bonus: Hosts who hold a spa party or catalog class between April 1-12 can earn the Mineral Genesis skincare for FREE! Hosts of classes with a retail value of $300-$499 receive Mineral Genesis Pure Gold ($95 value) for FREE. Hosts of classes $500 and higher receive the remaining products in the Mineral Genesis Gold Elements Collection ($224 value) absolutely FREE.

Another way to look at this… A host of a $500 Spa Experience April 1-12 can earn almost $400 in FREE products. WOW!

April's theme is "Spring Forward" and what great products to put a spring in your step. Anyone is welcome to purchase our specials and there is no minimum purchase required. Of course, you get the best price on shipping when you order at a party but I am happy to take orders by phone, email or online.

* FREE Mini Body Butter when you purchase a full size Body Butter of the same scent. (SAVE $10) ~ ONLY $24.50 EACH ($34.50 VALUE)

They come in four yummy scents: Green Tea, Mango, Coconut and Cherry Almond

* Spend just $75 or more and you can pick up our #1 selling item for just $5 ~ Sweet & Smooth! ($25 value) You cannot pass this treat up!

View these specials and more on my Sensaria Web Site! Have fun shopping!

Also, if you ever thought about having your own business, need low start up costs, want to make $100/night or $400/month or much, much more? Do you want a flexible schedule or maybe you just want to get out of the house once a week to escape the kids? (That was me!) Then contact me for more information!

If you ever thought about doing this business then NOW is the time to start. Right now you can "Spring For A New Business"! Our business kit normally costs $120 and it comes with $500 worth of full size products, samples, catalogs, paperwork and more. It's pretty much everything you need! Well, if you join my team in April you can join for 50% off! It's just $60 and Sensaria will send you your kit right away. Also, if you can do 2-3 spa parties in your first 30 days then that is all you will pay for the kit! Sensaria will waive the remaining balance.

However, if you do maybe 4-6 parties in that first 30 days ... Sensaria will REFUND your $60 so your kit will be FREE! Wow! I would love to have you on my team so contact me today for more information.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Go Green and Keep It Clean

Sensaria shared some great tips lately and it is in keeping with our "Go Green, Go Natural" month. I can't believe it is almost the end of the month already! Where did all the time go? I want to thank all my new customers and regular customers! I met so many great people and I always love talking to my regulars too. You guys are the best! Anyway, on to the two tips from Sensaria:

Keep It Clean & Green With Tea Tree & Lime
So many of you are already enthusiastic about our naturally based products, which is why our Tea Tree & Lime Hand Cleansing Gel is cause for taking the celebration up a notch! Beyond the natural ingredients that offer a soothing alternative to harsh hand sanitizers, this product pumps up its "green cred" by being 100% vegan and 74% organic. What's not to love… especially when these designations are offered for a product people use multiple times per day? It's only natural for you to highlight this info, so be sure to share!

I have gotten so many comments and positive feedback from everyone who has tried this new product. Not only does it smell really nice but it's a natural alternative to those harsh hand sanitizers! It does not dry out your skin after using it either. I love that it comes in a two pack so you have one for your purse and one at home too!

Make Some Room Under The Sink
We've all heard of the "boxes of hope;" those bins and baskets of half-used cosmetics that didn't work out. Well, how many of you have a "bucket of hope" under the kitchen sink, filled with bottles and jars of cleaners that didn't do the job. How would you like to pare it down to one? Say hello to Citrus Cleaner. The "green police" will wave it through, because it's phosphate-free, non-alkaline and biodegradeable. And, it employs the magic word: multi-purpose. From delicate lingerie to baked on messes, it does it all. Make sure all your customers make Citrus Cleaner the "wonder down under"… their kitchen sink!

This stuff is great and it will wash fruits and veggies or the floors or the kitchen sink.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Green Tea and Sunscreen

Last week I talked about Green Tea and how it is a powerful antioxidant which makes it a wonderful ingredient in our products. Well, I came across an article which stated that by having green tea as an ingredient in sunscreen, it can actually enhance the protection! I looked at Sensaria's Daily Sun Protection SPF 28 and it has green tea listed as one of the ingredients! It is that time of year again when we should all be wearing sunscreen on a daily basis so this was a good reminder for me to start putting it back into my routine.

Here is what I found online but there are many medical studies as well if you can sift through all the scientific jargon.

"Green tea appears to exert sun damage protection by quenching free radicals and reducing inflammation rather than by blocking UV rays. Therefore, green tea may synergistically enhance sun protection when used in addition to a sunscreen." ~Smart Skin Care~

"Topical applications of green tea extracts (EGCG) have protective effects on UVA- and UVB-induced skin damage (photoaging and carcinogenesis)" ~Wikipedia~

"Green tea is extremely skin-friendly and may even be cancer protective. 'Preliminary studies suggest that certain green tea polyphenols may help prevent skin cancer if they are applied directly to the skin,' says Steven Bratman, M.D., an integrative physician and author of The Natural Pharmacist (Prima, 2000). 'In addition, there is some evidence that green tea constituents might help protect the skin from sun damage and sunburn,' he adds.

In a recent study, six volunteers received applications of green tea extract on their skin prior to being exposed to UV radiation, which would normally produce redness. Those who received the highest concentration of green tea extract (10%) were almost completely protected from burning. Even a low-dose solution (2.5%) provided significant protection."
~Natural Herbal Healing~

"Compresses made with green tea are helpful pain relievers. Green tea acts as an antioxidant and helps reduce inflammation. The active ingredient in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Another option - [product name]. Believe it or not, it's the ideal after sun treatment, too. Not only can I get you to apply sunscreen (which can help reduce your risk of getting sunburned again), but it contains high levels of green tea." ~DERMAdoctor~

(I just wanted to note that DERMAdoctor promotes her own brand but she seems to be a well respected dermatologist. Plus, Sensaria's sunscreen is 10th on the ingredient list while hers is 16th)


Monday, March 15, 2010

Going Green Spa Tips

Every month Sensaria is picking a theme and focusing their specials and marketing efforts around this theme. The month of March's theme is "Go Green, Go Natural" which fits in with our company philosophy so perfectly. Not only is Green Tea a featured scent this month for our Spa Party hosts but it is an amazing antioxidant as well! Here are a few more tips for you:

The Natural Wonder Of Jojoba
Of all of our naturally based products, the jewel in the crown has to be Jojoba Oil. Just read the label. There's only one thing in there: Jojoba Oil! The ingredient list may be short, but the wonders of this powerhouse derivative of the Jojoba desert shrub are many! That's because this oil's molecular structure is very similar to skin's own natural oil, so it penetrates quickly to provide soothing moisture to skin, and to restore sheen to dry hair and cracked cuticles. A tiny amount will go a long way with this product! Don't forget that it is paired this month with our new Jojoba Body Lotion Spray so you will save $7 on the two items together!

Sweet & Smooth Is Nature’s Recipe For Soft Skin
Sea Salt. Sugar. Almond and Orange Oil. It’s not the beginning of a tasty dessert, but it is a sweet treat for scaly skin! Those are the four, simple natural ingredients in our #1 seller, Sweet & Smooth. Every one of them works to give you incredibly soft, hydrated skin. The salt and sugar naturally exfoliate, refresh and re-mineralize the skin, and the essential oils moisturize and revive fresh, new skin. In a month where we’re encouraging everyone to “go green and go natural” nothing could be sweeter! Also, don't forget to read about how to get Sexy, Sweet & Smooth Legs by shaving with this product instead of a chemical filled shaving lotion or gel.

The Wonders Of White Tea
Nature really can nurture you... in more ways than one. This month's theme is going green and going natural and our White Tea Calming Serum can do double duty. First, it works its calming magic with natural ingredients and plant extracts like white tea, sea whip and algae. Second, it's a multi-purpose product, which means less packaging and less waste. In addition to reducing redness and irritation, it's a go-to for bug bites, sunburn and post-waxing and tweezing discomfort. Tell me what your favorite way to use this product for! Also, did you know that white tea is the young, baby version of green tea and has more antioxidants? It's no surprise that this is truly an amazing product!


Monday, March 08, 2010

More New Spring 2010 Products

The only thing I worry about when we announce new products is which ones might go away. So far, I haven't heard anything and I am super excited to try these new products that were just announced this weekend. They will be available for ordering on May 1, 2010 and you can contact me for more information. I might get them before they are released to the public. ;)

* Equilibria Aromatherapy Spray For Women ~ This lightweight botanically-based spray unleashes the power of aromatherapy to bring moods into balance by naturally harmonizing the feminine cycle. Can be used on wrists, décolleté or as a linen spray. (2 fl oz; $32)

Naturally harmonize the feminine cycle and balance moods with an aromatherapeutic essential oil blend that includes ylang ylang, neroli, and geranium. Recommended for use by women of all ages experiencing signs of imbalance.

One the most popular spa beauty treatments available worldwide, aromatherapy utilizes essential oils to enhance health, beauty and well being. Essential oils enter the body through the skin and nose. The odors are converted into messages, which are relayed to the brain for processing. Aromatherapy uses the power of scent to restore equilibrium on all levels.

* Vanilla Bean Body Butter ~ Very rich, very creamy, very vanilla! All the rich hydration you know and love in our body butters in a sweet scent that’s sure to become everyone’s newest favorite. (8 fl oz; $24.50)

Luxuriously rich and creamy, our deliciously scented Vanilla Bean Body Butter moisturizes the skin while delighting the senses. Oils of soybean and sweet almond combine with Shea and cocoa butters for an emollient body treatment that leaves the skin glowing with vitality.

* Rosemary Mint Home Fragrance Oil ~ Already popular in our skincare line, here’s a Home Fragrance Oil for your Rosemary Mint fragrance fans. (.33 fl oz; $9)

Directions: Place a few drops into the bowl at the top of the Aroma-Sensory Burner. Place a tea lite in the opening below. Burn for only 10 minutes until long-lasting fragrance is released.

Who should use this item? Those who would like to create the perfect ambiance for their home or office or people who would like to hide pet or other unpleasant odors.


Monday, March 01, 2010

March 2010 Specials

It's the end of the month already! Boy, February sure goes by fast doesn't it? Hopefully, you got last month's amazing skin care specials but fear not if you didn't. March also has some great specials to offer so keep on reading for the whole scoop.

How would you like to invite a few friends over to your house and have a relaxing and fun SPA PARTY? Just imagine soaking your feet, sipping some wine, enjoying each others company and trying some really amazing spa products and skin care? Women are generally nurturing folk who love taking care of others but often don't take the time to take care of themselves. It just takes a few minutes to replenish and rejuvenate your spirit and by doing so ... you can give so much more back to the people and things you love the most. Contact me to get on my SPA schedule and you will earn up to 25% of the party sales in FREE products PLUS these amazing deals too:

* FREE 16oz Green Tea Body Wash ~ $16 value
* FREE 8oz Green Tea Body Butter ~ $24.50 value
* HALF-PRICE Aromasensory Burner (white or black) and Home Fragrance Oil (Moroccan Vanilla or Fresh Cucumber) ~ $36 value

March's theme is "Go Green, Go Natural" and that is easily accomplished by picking up our monthly special. There is no need to look any further if you want something either all natural or organic to use on your skin. Plus, these products are also fragrance free! Anyone is welcome to purchase our specials and there is no minimum purchase required. Of course, you get the best price on shipping when you order at a party but I am happy to take orders by phone, email or online.

* SAVE $7 on Jojoba Lotion Spray (90% organic) + Jojoba Oil (100% natural) ~ Just $35 for both!

* Spend just $75 or more and you can pick up our Signature Eco Tote for JUST $5! It is a reusable tote that collapses into a nifty, compact pouch complete with a convenient clip!

View these specials and more on my Sensaria Web Site! Have fun shopping!

Also, if you ever thought about having your own business, need low start up costs, want to make $100/night or $400/month or much, much more? Do you want a flexible schedule or maybe you just want to get out of the house once a week to escape the kids? (That was me!) Then contact me for more information!

I am also having a team incentive where you can earn a 7-night accommodation in Seaside, OR. It's my own personal timeshare that I won't be able to use in August 2010 and the requirements to earn it are VERY, VERY low. I even have a free 60-minute massage at InSpa as well as the consolation prize. Not too shabby right? I only have two active team members so who is going to win it? Interested? Contact me for more information!



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