Ultimate Cellulite Spa Treatment
Ok, this is a good one! I can't believe the feedback I have been hearing about our new cellulite products but it's stuff I got to believe! One of these days I will sit down and take some before and after shots of myself but until then I will share some from another rep who had a Cellulite Treatment Spa Party. It's really hard to believe what people say so let me tell you that these pictures are worth more than words can describe! If you have some trouble areas that you want to work on then contact me! I would love to have my own set of before and after shots I can share with people!SPA CELLULITE TREATMENT:
· Have a trusted friend or loved one take a “before” picture.
· Apply Rejuvenating Salt Mud to dry body skin before shower.
· Wrap plastic film around upper legs. Warm up by exercise, apply warm towels or hot packs. Remove after 20 minutes.
· Work in the scrub and rinse in the shower.
· After showering, apply Cellulite Contouring Serum.
· Apply Cellulite Smoothing Crème.
· Apply Serum and Crème again before bed.
Adding the Rejuvenating Salt Mud to your routine 2-3 times per week will offer the best results. Or, your routine can be as simple as applying the serum and crème in the morning and again in the evening. Remember ... it works if you work it!
Remember to take after photos as well. Try taking one the same day you start, then 2 weeks later, then 1 month later and finally 2 months later. Wouldn't it be fun to watch the fat melt away right before your eyes?
Now, look at these before and after photos from a spa party Sensaria Rep Connie held. These were taken on the same night at this spa party so it is incredible to see what a difference our products can make! Let me know if you want to try it too!